OU-Tulsa's 3MT Competition

Three Minute Thesis LogoStudents, if you only had three minutes, could you:

  • Explain your research to a prospective employer?
  • Convince a potential donor to support your project?
  • Share your discoveries with a non-specialist audience?
  • Entice others to want more information about your research?

OU-Tulsa will be hosting a local Three Minute Thesis competition on Thursday, April 17th at 5:30 pm at Schusterman Library. Students will present their dissertation, thesis, or other graduate-level projects in just 3 minutes and with just 1 slide to a non-specialist audience.

Prizes will be awarded

  • First Place - $500 
  • Second Place - $250
  • People's Choice - $250

To present at the Tulsa 3MT competition, register here.

A photo of an OU-Tulsa student presenting at the campus Three Minute Thesis competition. The student's slide is displayed to their right side and the student is speaking into a microphone as they explain their research to the audience members.

Schusterman Library offers consultations to assist with slide design and presentation skills. Click here to book an appointment with a librarian

This event is co-sponsored by the Office for Research Development and Scholarly Activity (ORDSA) and the Schusterman Library.

Please email Emrys Moreau if you have any questions about the competition.

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is a research communication competition developed by the University of Queensland, Australia, in 2008. After being adopted by other universities, this multi-national event is now hosted by over 900 universities in over 85 countries.  


The competition is open to all OU Norman and OUHSC graduate students on the Tulsa campus who are enrolled in a master's program (thesis, project, exhibition) or a doctoral program during the semester of the competition and who are in good academic standing. Students may enter the competition even if their research results have not been finalized.

  • Presentations are limited to three minutes; competitors exceeding three minutes will be disqualified.
  • Design one static slide to be displayed throughout the presentation. All slides must be submitted as .pptx files (widescreen, or 16:9 format).
  • No slide transitions, animations, or movement are allowed.
  • Presentations are to be spoken word (e.g. no poems, raps, or songs).
  • No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) are permitted.
  • No additional props (e.g. laser pointers, costumes, musical instruments, or laboratory equipment) are permitted.
  • Presentations are considered to have commenced when a competitor starts their presentation through either movement or speech.