Holiday & Intersession Hours
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Let Us Know When You Can Meet for Scholar Squad in 2020
Thanksgiving Hours
The Schusterman Library will have modified hours in honor of Thanksgiving. Upcoming hours changes include:
- Wednesday, November 27 - 7:30am to 6:00pm
- Thursday, November 28 - CLOSED
- Friday, November 29 - CLOSED
Regular hours resume on November 30.
Software Carpentry with Python
Library Hours Survey
Thanks to campus feedback, the Schusterman Library changed our hours starting in August 2019. We are now open twice as long on Saturdays (9am - 7pm). Help us assess the impact of our new hours by completing this brief survey:
Help Us Improve the Commons
What if the Library...
Do you have ideas about how to improve the library? The Schusterman Library would like your suggestions on services, spaces, and resources you would like to see offered. We want to hear all your suggestions no matter how big or small. Let us know your library wishes at by Friday, October 18, 2019.
Turn on the Light - Read a Banned Book at the Schusterman Library
Every year librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers and readers come together to support the freedom to seek and express ideas – even the unorthodox or unpopular.
By focusing attention on efforts to remove or restrict access to books, Banned Books Week draws attention to the harms of censorship.
Survey: What do you read for fun?
Calling all Tulsa Sooners: We want to know what you enjoy reading! Whether you are serious about science fiction, rhapsodic about romance, gaga about graphic novels, a maven of mysteries, or you have favorite topics and/or authors, please tell us in our super short survey at