Research Week Lightning Talks

This year the OU-Tulsa Scholar Squad will host two Lightning Talk sessions during Research Week.

  • Student, Resident, Postdoc, and Staff Talks will be Thursday, April 9 from 4pm to 5pm in the Library Gallery

  • Faculty Talks will be Friday, April 10 from 11am to 12pm in the Library Gallery

Presentation topics can cover the design and operation of a research project as well as programs/projects that describe the creation and improvement of work, services, technologies, procedures, and so much more.

Student, resident, and staff presenters will have 5 minutes each and be limited to 5 slides (including title slide; slides are optional). Faculty presenters will have 10 minutes each and be limited to 10 slides (including title slide; slides are optional). Only one speaker per presentation will be permitted.

Submit a Lightning Talk proposal at by Friday, February 28.



Submissions Open: February 3, 2020

Submissions Due: February 28, 2020

Notification of Acceptance: March 13, 2020

Slides Due: April 6, 2020