OU-Tulsa Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition

OU-Tulsa faculty, staff, and students, do you know a student who has great research to share and can share it in only three minutes?

Students, if you only had three minutes, could you:

  • Explain your research to a prospective employer?
  • Convince a potential donor to support your project?
  • Share your discoveries with a non-specialist audience?
  • Entice others to want more information about your research?

Do you want to improve your communication and presentation skills?

OU-Tulsa will be hosting a local 3-minute thesis competition on Tuesday, January 12th at 6:00 PM via Zoom. Students will present their dissertation, thesis, or other graduate level projects in just 3 minutes (and with just 1 slide) to a non-specialist audience.

Prizes will be awarded

  • First Place - $500
  • Second Place - $250
  • People's Choice - $250 (friends and family are encouraged to attend)

This event is co-sponsored by the OU-Tulsa Graduate College and Schusterman Library.

Please register to present at this event by noon on Friday, January 8th at bit.ly/OUTulsa3MT2021To attend this event, please register at https://calendar.ou.edu/tulsa/event/86036-ou-tulsa-3minutethesis.

Eligibility: OU Norman and OUHSC graduate students on the Tulsa campus who are enrolled in a master's program (thesis, project, exhibition) or a doctoral program for Spring 2021 and who are in good academic standing. Note: Students may enter the competition even if their research results have not been finalized.

Note: The OU-Tulsa competition is separate from but also a precursor to the all-campus 3MT competition that will occur in February 2021. Tulsa students who want to be involved in a 3MT competition who do not want to compete in the all-campus competition are welcome to apply as are students who want to use the Tulsa campus 3MT competition to practice for presenting in the all-campus 3MT competition. Please email Dr. Jennifer Kisamore, Associate Dean of the Tulsa Graduate College, if you have any questions about the competition (jkisamore@ou.edu).


  • Presentations are limited to three minutes; competitors exceeding three minutes will be disqualified.
  • Design one static slide to be displayed throughout the presentation. All slides must be submitted as .pptx files (widescreen, or 16:9 format).
    • No slide transitions, animations, or movement are allowed.
  • Presentations are to be spoken word (e.g. no poems, raps, or songs).
  • No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) are permitted.
  • No additional props (e.g. laser pointers, costumes, musical instruments, or laboratory equipment) are permitted.
  • Presentations are considered to have commenced when a competitor starts their presentation through either movement or speech.

Presenting Your Single Slide for 3MT

When deciding what to include on the slide to accompany your presentation, let the phrase "less is more" be your guide.

  • Your slide should be clear and concise. Remember, the judges are concentrating on you and your presentation - three minutes offers very little time to focus on an overly-detailed slide.
  • Choose quality images, and if you include text, be certain it can be read from a distance.
  • Create a draft of your slide. Show it to friends/relatives and ask them to describe what they see. Their objective responses will help you create the most effective slide to enhance your winning presentation.

Note: If you need help with your slide or presentation, request a Presentation Consult with the librarians at the Schusterman Library.